S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1. | A comparative analysis of flexibility between Wushu and Taekwondo players Khumukcham Shivananda Singh, Thingnam Nandalal Singh and Keisham Monarita Pages: 233-234 - Viewed: 990 - Downloaded: 555 - Country: India | India |
2. | Effect of trataka (yogic visual concentration) on the performance of shooting players Neeraj Kumar and Dr. Padmakar Pages: 235-238 - Viewed: 1616 - Downloaded: 826 - Country: India | India |
3. | A pilot study: Comparative efficacy of power yoga, restorative yoga and their combination on reaction time among the college boys of North Tripura Meenakshi Saini, Prasanta Kumar Das and Ankan Sinha Pages: 239-242 - Viewed: 805 - Downloaded: 333 - Country: India | India |
4. | A comparative study of motor fitness components between volleyball and football players of Maharashtra Dr. Sanjay R Agashe Pages: 243-246 - Viewed: 491 - Downloaded: 331 - Country: India | India |
5. | Application of meditation for stress management Prem Sukh and BR Sharma Pages: 247-249 - Viewed: 4126 - Downloaded: 2594 - Country: India | India |
6. | Organizational development and its impact on supervisory performance efficiency of the physical education Dr. Hasan Ghali Mahawi Pages: 250-253 - Viewed: 639 - Downloaded: 249 - Country: Iraq | Iraq |
7. | School scout activities and their media role in promoting family belonging among middle school students in Iraq Dr. Ali Abdul-Husain Ali Pages: 254-260 - Viewed: 767 - Downloaded: 352 - Country: India | India |
8. | Effect of Pranayama on state of anxiety level among adolescents from Gwalior Rajesh Kumar Pages: 261-263 - Viewed: 654 - Downloaded: 296 - Country: India | India |
9. | Comparative study on hardiness among male combat game athletes Milandeep Kaur, Dalwinder Singh, Keisham Monarita and Khumukcham Shivananda Singh Pages: 264-265 - Viewed: 433 - Downloaded: 105 - Country: India | India |
10. | Investigation of psychomotor abilities of different group of male cricket players of Madhya Pradesh Mohd Sameer Khan and Dr. Deepak Mehta Pages: 266-268 - Viewed: 582 - Downloaded: 234 - Country: India | India |
11. | Impact of Satvik, Rajasic and Tamasic foods on human body and mind Yogesh Pages: 269-272 - Viewed: 7726 - Downloaded: 7349 - Country: India | India |
12. | Shadow of doping in sports Dr. Vishal Dahiya Pages: 273-275 - Viewed: 542 - Downloaded: 206 - Country: India | India |
13. | Effect of yoga therapy on complete blood count of breast cancer patients: A comprehensive approach Shashi Kanaujiya, Vishnu Yadav, Shailendra Kumar and Mayank Jain Pages: 276-279 - Viewed: 599 - Downloaded: 266 - Country: India | India |
14. | A comprehensive study on the strengthening of immunity health in the face of the COVID-19 Pandemic Dr. Chhaya Chaudhary Pages: 280-282 - Viewed: 512 - Downloaded: 249 - Country: India | India |
15. | Effect of plyometric training program on motor fitness development among college level volleyball players in Nizamabad district B Balamani and B Sunil Kumar Pages: 283-285 - Viewed: 442 - Downloaded: 210 - Country: India | India |
16. | The correlation between sports involvement and university students' social Behavior Dr. Kavitabai Agrawal Pages: 286-289 - Viewed: 290 - Downloaded: 90 - Country: India | India |
17. | Studying the reality of the positive leadership personality and psychological stability of fourth-year students in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences Dr. Mohammed Abdul Ridha Sultan and Dr. Muntadhar Saheb Mahdi Pages: 290-295 - Viewed: 476 - Downloaded: 194 - Country: Iraq | Iraq |
18. | Efficacy of martial arts and physical activity of transwomen P Vanithamani and V Preethi Pages: 296-298 - Viewed: 160 - Downloaded: 61 - Country: India | India |
19. | Analysis of anthropometrical biomechanical physiological psychological and physical fitness variables among playing ability of backcourt players and wing players in handball S Johnson Premkumar and B Praveen Doss Pages: 299-301 - Viewed: 129 - Downloaded: 32 - Country: India | India |
20. | The study of the relationship between physical activity status and locomotor competence in rural and urban schoolchildren in Jammu district Kanchan Thappa and Baljinder Singh Bal Pages: 302-308 - Viewed: 58 - Downloaded: 24 - Country: India | India |