S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1. | A study of pranayama on aggression among college level male footballers Dr. Kuntal Thakur Pages: 277-280 - Viewed: 134 - Downloaded: 39 - Country: India | India |
2. | Training the mind: Key insights and fundamentals for enhanced performance Dr. Praveen Kumar TK and Dr. A Mohammed Shafeek Pages: 281-283 - Viewed: 79 - Downloaded: 35 - Country: India | India |
3. | भ्रामरी प्राणायाम का स्वास्थ्य संवर्धन में महत्व : शास्त्रोक्त अध्ययन गौरव वोहरा, डॉ. विकेश कामरा Pages: 284-286 - Viewed: 123 - Downloaded: 55 - Country: India | India |
4. | The effect of functional training on some physiological variables and the endurance of defensive and offensive performance in youth handball Hazim Faris Neamah Pages: 287-291 - Viewed: 125 - Downloaded: 41 - Country: Iraq | Iraq |
5. | Effect of SAQ training and yogic practices on power parameters among college soccer players Dr. A Praveen Kumar Pages: 292-293 - Viewed: 71 - Downloaded: 27 - Country: India | India |
6. | The effect of rehabilitation exercises using weights (kettle ball) in rehabilitating shoulder dislocation injuries for handball players in the clubs of Najaf Governorate Dr. Mostafa Ibrahim Abdelkareem Pages: 297-300 - Viewed: 112 - Downloaded: 33 - Country: Iraq | Iraq |
7. | Perceived self-efficacy in terms of creative motivation and self-programming of information among advanced Basketball players in Iraq Aymen Hani Abed Al-Gburi, Hala Razzaq Madlool and Ghusoon Abdul Ameer Naser Pages: 301-312 - Viewed: 117 - Downloaded: 38 - Country: Iraq | Iraq |
8. | Effect of yoga on balance and coordination in day-to-day life Shashi Kanaujia and Anirudh Srivastava Pages: 313-316 - Viewed: 116 - Downloaded: 46 - Country: India | India |
9. | Effect of hatha yoga Sadhana on selected physical and physiological variables among Bharathanatyam adolescent with Nomophobia Anitha Sri S and Dr. V Mahadevan Pages: 317-320 - Viewed: 118 - Downloaded: 44 - Country: India | India |
10. | Comparison of spinal deformities among the male students of private and government schools Anurag Choudhary, Dalwinder Singh, Parminder Singh and Charanjit Singh Pages: 321-325 - Viewed: 93 - Downloaded: 32 - Country: India | India |