S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1. | Comparative study on self –esteem among female handball players and female volleyball players Dr. Satinder Paul and Sandeep Kaur Pages: 870-872 - Viewed: 1202 - Downloaded: 196 - Country: India | India |
2. | Effect of Trataka on pulse rate of college level male students Champak Bhadra and Dr. Kallol Chatterjee Pages: 873-875 - Viewed: 1631 - Downloaded: 634 - Country: India | India |
3. | Effects of doping on health Tejpal Pages: 878-881 - Viewed: 1232 - Downloaded: 148 - Country: India | India |
4. | A role of yogic asana on handball players Dr. Ravinder Singh Pages: 882-883 - Viewed: 1276 - Downloaded: 231 - Country: India | India |
5. | Role of yoga in our day to day life Shambu dutt Pages: 884-885 - Viewed: 1199 - Downloaded: 102 - Country: India | India |
6. | National game of India Shivanad Jattennavar and Shivamurti Chikkanarti Pages: 886-887 - Viewed: 1227 - Downloaded: 232 - Country: India | India |
7. | Influence of music on physical activity Shivamurti and Chikkanarti Pages: 888-890 - Viewed: 1223 - Downloaded: 154 - Country: India | India |
8. | Joint Re-Position sense in sportspersons participating in different sports Khalid Khan, Nagaraja Y and Gajanana Prabhu B Pages: 891-894 - Viewed: 1241 - Downloaded: 186 - Country: India | India |
9. | Impact of S.A.Q. training protocol on blood pressure level of female soccer players Dr. Ravinder Sumal and Prabhjot Kaur Pages: 895-896 - Viewed: 1197 - Downloaded: 183 - Country: India | India |
10. | A comparative analysis on motor fitness between Panjabi university, Patiala cricket and baseball man players Dr. Kulbir Singh Pages: 897-898 - Viewed: 1177 - Downloaded: 180 - Country: India | India |
11. | A comparative study of motor fitness between rural and urban athletes of Chandauli Rakesh Kumar Yadav Pages: 899-901 - Viewed: 88 - Downloaded: 36 - Country: India | India |