S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1. | Impact of various training packages on selected variables of tennis players Dr. M Rajkumar, Dr. M Gopi, G Tamilselvan, P Rajangam and A Thangamurugan Pages: 139-142 - Viewed: 864 - Downloaded: 264 - Country: India | India |
2. | Effect of aerobic dance training on body composition and cardio respiratory endurance among obese Dr. C Krishnamoorthi, N Kodeeswaran, S Senthil Kumaran and A Abdhul Halik Pages: 143-145 - Viewed: 1690 - Downloaded: 960 - Country: India | India |
3. | Yoga in management of lifestyle disorders in covid-19 period Anupam Ghosh and Kartick Paul Pages: 146-148 - Viewed: 992 - Downloaded: 313 - Country: India | India |
4. | Importance of yoga in daily life Shabina Akhter and Aamir Ahmed Pages: 149-152 - Viewed: 1325 - Downloaded: 546 - Country: India | India |
5. | Significance of water in athlete nutrition Faazil Mohammed Khan Pages: 153-155 - Viewed: 748 - Downloaded: 200 - Country: India | India |
6. | Influence of fear avoidance beliefs on pain and disability among computer workers with low back pain: A cross-sectional study Sneha Sailor and Manali Bhavsar Pages: 156-159 - Viewed: 733 - Downloaded: 167 - Country: India | India |
7. | Yoga for specially-abled children: A therapeutic means to increase body awareness Sandip Sinha, Lokesh Kumar Dubey and Anuwar Hussain Pages: 160-166 - Viewed: 1571 - Downloaded: 935 - Country: India | India |
8. | A literature review on the physiological and psychological effects of labyrinth walking Dustin W Davis Pages: 167-175 - Viewed: 2348 - Downloaded: 1648 - Country: United States | United States |
9. | Women pregnancy and sports Shabina Akhter and Aamir Ahmed Pages: 176-179 - Viewed: 931 - Downloaded: 339 - Country: India | India |
10. | Corelation of differential pattern of laptop use and associated musculoskeletal discomfort among students and academicians in Surat Dr. Nejal Rathod, Dr. Nancy Chandegara, Dr. Priti Gamit and Dr. Neeti Mishra Pages: 180-184 - Viewed: 969 - Downloaded: 286 - Country: India | India |
11. | Evaluation of selected anthropometric characteristics of 100 and 200 meter sprinters Devanand Bajirao Sawarkar Pages: 185-186 - Viewed: 831 - Downloaded: 243 - Country: India | India |
12. | An analytical study of aerobic endurance among middle distance runners and long distance runners of Meerut district Dr. Hoshiyar Singh Pages: 187-190 - Viewed: 705 - Downloaded: 147 - Country: India | India |
13. | Influence of directive play activities on motor development of school children Dr. S Jayakumar and Dr. C Lakshmanan Pages: 191-193 - Viewed: 836 - Downloaded: 344 - Country: India | India |
14. | Interrelationship study on speed among high jumpers and triple jumpers of Noida College of physical education Dr. Dev Raj Yadav Pages: 194-196 - Viewed: 715 - Downloaded: 247 - Country: India | India |