S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1. | Study of training induced physiological changes in different training phases of Indian junior hockey players Manish Singh, Dr. Malay Mandal, Dr. Athoni Rhetso, Madhura A Sagarkar and Dr. P. Majumdar Pages: 66-71 - Viewed: 1149 - Downloaded: 222 - Country: India | India |
2. | Effects of whey protein supplement and concurrent training on body composition and muscular fitness of male weight lifters Atalay Molla Sendeike and Eyasu Merhatsidk Gebreegziabher Pages: 72-75 - Viewed: 665 - Downloaded: 373 - Country: Ethiopia | Ethiopia |
3. | Effects of anaerobic exercise on some selected skill related physical fitness components Dr. Abinet Ayalew, Dr. Desta Enyew and Yonas Mebrat Pages: 76-79 - Viewed: 1375 - Downloaded: 386 - Country: Ethiopia | Ethiopia |
4. | Sensitive directions of the perdagogical researches in the sphere of the educational curriculum “physical training” R Kh Qadirov Pages: 80-82 - Viewed: 906 - Downloaded: 119 - Country: Uzbekistan | Uzbekistan |
5. | Yoga and drug abuse in athletes Dr. Parminder Kaur Laroiya Pages: 85-87 - Viewed: 1058 - Downloaded: 239 - Country: India | India |
6. | A review on marmaghata described in ayurvedic classics W.S.R. to sport injuries Dr. Mrigank Shekhar and Dr. SJ Gupta Pages: 88-92 - Viewed: 1816 - Downloaded: 908 - Country: India | India |
7. | The value of iodine as a trace element in sports Berdieva DT, Seydalieva LT and Abdullaeva MM Pages: 93-96 - Viewed: 1365 - Downloaded: 525 - Country: Uzbekistan | Uzbekistan |
8. | Yoga for combat with COVID-19 epidemic Raju Roy and Dr. Malay Kumar Mukhopadhyay Pages: 97-99 - Viewed: 1180 - Downloaded: 356 - Country: India | India |
9. | Evaluation of motivational and emotional factors in traditional sports Dr. Shrikant S Mankar Pages: 100-102 - Viewed: 823 - Downloaded: 184 - Country: India | India |
10. | Relationship analysis of motor fitness components among various sports persons Dr. Amit Arjun Budhe Pages: 103-105 - Viewed: 808 - Downloaded: 217 - Country: India | India |
11. | An assessment study of facilities in physical education institution Ravinder Singh Pages: 106-107 - Viewed: 812 - Downloaded: 320 - Country: India | India |
12. | Infrastructure for sports in schools of Rajasthan state: A survey study Dr. Sandeep Singh Pages: 108-111 - Viewed: 944 - Downloaded: 426 - Country: India | India |
13. | Effect of Savasana and meditation on autonomous nervous system of medical students Dr. Anita Lokhande Pages: 112-115 - Viewed: 566 - Downloaded: 182 - Country: India | India |
14. | Investigating the influence of yogic practices and interval training on specific physiological variables among high school male students Dr. Hasmukhbhai Haribhai Patel Pages: 116-119 - Viewed: 357 - Downloaded: 96 - Country: India | India |