2020, Vol. 5 Issue 1, Part B
An assessment study of facilities in physical education institution
AUTHOR(S): Ravinder Singh
Physical Education and Sports forms an important part of educational system. In India physical has been included in the college curriculum for conducting games and sports for the students of college level. Physical education in college requires facilities in the form of playground, equipments, libraries, laboratories, halls, swimming pool, athletics, yoga, sports and games and health related physical fitness and motor fitness etc., are accepted as the essential and standard facilities. Facilities are the basic need to make a program successful. Facilities should be designed with one common purpose in view to serve particular kinds of educational programs. Long-range effective physical education and sports facilities are the result of thorough and well organized planning. The time, effort and expenditure thus, invested will be amplified manifold in functional facilities, necessitating the use of extensive equipment and service facilities. A well-organized plan for a purposed structure therefore helps to clarify the priority of needs and hastens the decision to provide the facilities. In the sports environment sports fields and facilities have a special and privileged significance. There are certain factors which determine the quality of education services with respect to sports education are physical structure and equipment, human resources, financial sources, regulations, training programs, sports facilities, culture and scientific, cultural and sportive activities. Developing and popularizing of sports in the society is only possible through the existence of facilities. In order to ensure an efficient training process, the facility must be of an adequate size, aesthetically pleasing, sufficiently well lit, sufficiently heated, and sufficiently ventilated, and must include specialized equipment required to carry out training activities, must be protective of human health and must have technological innovations with respect to tools and equipments.
Pages: 106-107 | 801 Views 312 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Ravinder Singh. An assessment study of facilities in physical education institution. Int J Yogic Hum Mov Sports Sciences 2020;5(1):106-107.