S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1. | Comparative analysis of body fat among college level footballers from different parts of India Dr. E Saravanan Pages: 1064-1066 - Viewed: 1231 - Downloaded: 317 - Country: India | India |
2. | Analysis of team effectiveness of elite level volleyball players Dr. E. Saravanan and D Pajanivel Pages: 1067-1069 - Viewed: 1159 - Downloaded: 218 - Country: India | India |
3. | Effect of yogic training on vital capacity Sunil Kumar and Manjit Pages: 1070-1071 - Viewed: 1137 - Downloaded: 200 - Country: India | India |
4. | Exploring relationship between measured and perceived flexibility of high school students Rohan D’ Costa and Dr. Gajanana Prabhu B Pages: 1072-1074 - Viewed: 1137 - Downloaded: 193 - Country: India | India |
5. | Comparison of selected physiological variables among basketball, volleyball and handball Dr. Sangeeta Singh and Dr. Vijay Prakash Pages: 1075-1077 - Viewed: 1139 - Downloaded: 240 - Country: India | India |
6. | Difference among the agility level of handball and basketball male players Jaskaran Singh Pages: 1078-1080 - Viewed: 1009 - Downloaded: 154 - Country: India | India |
7. | Effect of 6 weeks of yogic practices and therapeutic exercise on FEV1/FVC percentage of person with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Dr. Sangeeta Singh and Dr. Vijay Prakash Pages: 1081-1084 - Viewed: 1134 - Downloaded: 201 - Country: India | India |
8. | Comparative study on emotional intelligence and locus of control among high and low male achievers of Volleyball players Arshnoor Mohammad and Dr. Satinder Paul Pages: 1085-1087 - Viewed: 1096 - Downloaded: 227 - Country: India | India |
9. | A comparative study of strength level among handball and basketball male players Jaskaran Singh Pages: 1088-1091 - Viewed: 1193 - Downloaded: 283 - Country: India | India |
10. | Effects of aerobic training on VO2 max of untrained students Dr. A Subradeepan Pages: 1092-1094 - Viewed: 1114 - Downloaded: 192 - Country: India | India |
11. | Effect of three different modes of yogic trainings on respiratory endurance Pankaj Phogat Pages: 1095-1097 - Viewed: 1021 - Downloaded: 170 - Country: India | India |
12. | A comparative study of legitimate aggressive behaviour in adolescent male athletes and non-athletes Dr. Neeta N Kashyap Pages: 1098-1100 - Viewed: 1006 - Downloaded: 203 - Country: India | India |
13. | The role of sports psychology in the management of emotional traits of sportspersons Dr. Sushil Kumar and Dr. Hoshiyar Singh Pages: 1101-1104 - Viewed: 706 - Downloaded: 221 - Country: India | India |
14. | Effects of yogasanas on the development of gross motor skills of the middle school girls T Bagavathi Subitha and Dr. P Arthur Daniel Pages: 1105-1106 - Viewed: 633 - Downloaded: 183 - Country: India | India |