S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1. | Current trends of physical education and its future prospects in relation to individual’s health Dr. Shyam Sundar Rath Pages: 01-03 - Viewed: 2860 - Downloaded: 1300 - Country: India | India |
2. | Prevention & management of specific sports injuries through Ayurveda Pandey Sandhya, Singh Archana and Pandey AK Pages: 04-08 - Viewed: 1870 - Downloaded: 376 - Country: India | India |
3. | Temporal analysis of goals scored in European football leagues Werlayne SS Leite Pages: 09-13 - Viewed: 1793 - Downloaded: 369 - Country: Brazil | Brazil |
4. | The yoga and the sacred word Om (Aum) Milorad Ivanković Pages: 14-15 - Viewed: 1743 - Downloaded: 330 - Country: Serbia | Serbia |
5. | Effect of selected yoga intervention on the tactile sensitivity of elderly clients Kripesh Karmakar and Dr. Gaurav Pant Pages: 16-20 - Viewed: 1736 - Downloaded: 225 - Country: India | India |
6. | Effect of Suryanamaskar on resting heart rate of school girls Anurodh Singh Sisodia Pages: 21-23 - Viewed: 1776 - Downloaded: 259 - Country: India | India |
7. | Effect of transcendental meditation on differentiation ability Dr. Anurodh Singh Sisodia Pages: 24-26 - Viewed: 1711 - Downloaded: 241 - Country: India | India |
8. | A comparative study physiological variables and physical fitness variables between of national basketball and handball female players Praveen Kumar Mishra Pages: 27-29 - Viewed: 1565 - Downloaded: 257 - Country: India | India |
9. | Effect of various yogic programmes on physiological variables of female students Dr. Biju Sukumar Pages: 30-32 - Viewed: 1674 - Downloaded: 218 - Country: India | India |
10. | Effect of 6 –weeks training of mantras and breathing in Surya Namaskar on performance of digit-letter substitution task by school children Vineet Kumar Sharma and Jayashree Acharya Pages: 33-37 - Viewed: 1827 - Downloaded: 384 - Country: India | India |
11. | Comparison of selected anthropometric measurements & body composition between handball players of selected playing positions Dr. Gulbahar Khan Pages: 38-40 - Viewed: 1426 - Downloaded: 239 - Country: India | India |
12. | Self-confidence Among performer and non-performer hockey players Dr. Amandeep Singh Pages: 41-42 - Viewed: 1168 - Downloaded: 202 - Country: India | India |
13. | A study on progression of motor educability in boys from pre-adolescence to adolescence Dr. Neeta N Kashyap Pages: 43-44 - Viewed: 1116 - Downloaded: 247 - Country: India | India |
14. | Women’s health care in urban areas of Kashmir Aftab Ahmad Jan and Khurshid Ahmad Hurrah Pages: 45-46 - Viewed: 674 - Downloaded: 107 - Country: India | India |
15. | Impact of high altitude on selected physical fitness variables Jeetender Singh and Padam Dev Singh Pages: 47-50 - Viewed: 655 - Downloaded: 118 - Country: India | India |
16. | A critical study of aerobic endurance among volleyball players and basketball players of C.C.S. University Dr. Dev Raj Yadav Pages: 51-53 - Viewed: 748 - Downloaded: 228 - Country: India | India |