2024, Vol. 9 Issue 1, Part E
Ameliorate and purify the body mind and soul for society by keeping with Indian archaic yoga
AUTHOR(S): Lab Das, Pintu Lal Mondal and Abhijit Thander
The root of Yoga is a Sanskrit word Yuj, it means to join together, attach, bind, directly our body, mind and soul. The traditions and the systems of yoga comes from ancient India’s Indus valley civilization, Vedic, Upanishadic heritage, Buddhist and Jain traditions, Darshana’s, Epics of Mahabharata and Ramayana, Historical, Mughal, British and now the Modern age, it’s just like a water of river provide the fertile soil to her bank, but in the case of yoga fertile our body, mind and soul from one civilization to another. Yoga is a totally systematic and scientific from the beginning of its birth. Though the ancient saint and monk introduce the different types of yoga and stage of yoga to control, bind, attach, and purify our body, mind and soul by following these stages -Karma Shuddhi through observing Yama and Niyama, Ghata Shuddhi through practicing Shat-Karma, Snayu Shuddhi by regular practicing of Asana, Prana Shuddhi through Pranayama, Indriya and Mano Shuddhi by adopting Pratyahara, Mana, Buddhi, Ahamkar, and Chitta Shuddhi through Dharana, Dhyan, and Samadhi. These shuddhi prakriyas covers from the dimensions of Astanga Yoga which is prescribed by founder of Yoga, Maharshi Patanjali and they ameliorate and purify the body mind and soul for creating a wonder and blissful society.
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