ABSTRACT:Aim: This study aimed to do a comparative study on Pilates and cable-pulley exercises in work related musculoskeletal disorders on fluid status and anxiety level among male health care professionals.
Method of the subject: Male health care professionals between 20-44 years were selected for the study. A Comparative experimental design with 60 subjects randomly divided into four equal groups with experimental group I, II, III and a control group. The groups performed either Pilates and/or cable pulley exercises for 3 times a week for 12 weeks. Intracellular water (ICW), and Extracellular water (ECW) were measured by Bio-electrical Impedance Analysis (BIA). Anxiety level of the participants was measured by anxiety subscale of the DASS-21.
Variables: Intracellular water, extra cellular water, and Anxiety.
Result: Since in this study the researcher found that there was positive changes in the improvement in Intra cellular water percentage, extra cellular percentage, and Anxiety levels by Pilates and cable pulley exercises in the Experimental Group III when compared to Experimental Group I and II.
Conclusion: Hence it’s concluded that the 12 weeks of Pilates versus cable pulley exercises shows changes in the fluid status i.e., Intracellular water percentage, Extracellular water percentage and anxiety in work related musculoskeletal disorders on male health care professionals.