ABSTRACT:Background: According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a person is said to lead a sedentary lifestyle if most of their time is spent doing only basic activities like sitting, standing, reading, working on the laptop, housework, and maybe a 30-minute walk.
Objectives: Purpose of the study was to find out the effect and association of aerobic capacity with blood pressure and oxygen saturation level in Bangladeshi sedentary women in post 2nd phase of COVID-19 pandemics.
Procedure: The study population included 21 (35 to 50 years) voluntary, healthy adult women who have reported with normal health and free from chronic diseases. Resting pulse rate, Harvard Step Test (short term), Participants resting BP (Systolic and Diastolic) and SpO2 saturation level in blood had been measured in the early morning at the day of assessment (Time: 6:30 am Dated: 22/05/22). For assessing the blood pressure standard digital Omoron BP machine made by Omoron Healthcare Manufacturing Vietnam (Model HEM 8712) was used. To measure the levels of oxygen in blood (SpO2) for the women subject we used standard Pulse oximeters (Dr Trust Pulse Oximeter – 213 (Silver) Product Approved by USFDA, CE, rohs). The oximeter display shows the percentage of oxygen in blood. For someone who’s healthy, the normal blood oxygen saturation level will be around 95–100%. To assess HST short term method had been followed (Brouha et al., 1943). For descriptive analysis, mean and standard deviation values were employed. Bivariate Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient (r) with 95% confidence (p <0.05) was applied to determine relationships between dependent and independent variables. All statistical analyses were performed with the use of SPSS 25 statistical software.
Findings: Sedentary women found with moderate level of VO2 max with mean value of 27.25ml/kg/min due to the psychological as well as physiological stressor that leads to the lesser side of their fitness level as well as responsible for the negative association ship with the resting pulse rate and %SpO2 after activity. a high degree significant positive association has been found in between % SpO2 (At rest) and % SpO2 after activity (r = 0.500*), Whereas a negative association has been observed in the following parameters i.e., Resting Heart Rate, O2 saturation level in blood at rest with aerobic capacity i.e., r = -0.080 and -0.264 respectively.
Conclusions: Cardiovascular fitness in terms of VO2 max in sedentary women indeed to be an important health related fitness component which was greatly related to all other physiological variables i.e., resting pulse rate, resting BP and %SpO2. The Institute of Medicine, recommends an hour per day of moderate to vigorous exercise 4–7 days per week.