S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1. | Impact of hamstring flexibility on functional performance of collegiate football players Shaily Sharma, Pearlson K and Nagaraj S Pages: 83-86 - Viewed: 1237 - Downloaded: 480 - Country: India | India |
2. | Assess the effects of psycho analysis techniques of yoga Saraswathi Devi Vadde, Dr. R Karthikeyan and Dr. K Venkatachalapathy Pages: 87-89 - Viewed: 593 - Downloaded: 97 - Country: India | India |
3. | Evidence based physiotherapy management of Chondromalacia Patella-A review study Dr. Prachi Patel and Dr. Neeti Mishra Pages: 90-93 - Viewed: 5365 - Downloaded: 4213 - Country: India | India |
4. | History of women test cricket: An overview Sachin Prakash and Dr. Sandeep Bhalla Pages: 94-96 - Viewed: 1360 - Downloaded: 728 - Country: India | India |
5. | International handball federation: An overview Md. Ziauddin and Dr. Sandeep Bhalla Pages: 97-99 - Viewed: 1613 - Downloaded: 897 - Country: India | India |
6. | Psychophysiological yogic effects of punishments Namrta Dave, Dr. Deependra Singh Chauhan and Meena Jain Pages: 100-103 - Viewed: 1826 - Downloaded: 780 - Country: India | India |
7. | मेडिकल प्लूरिज़्म में योग की भूमिका डी. एस चौहान, प्रज्ञा सांखला, मीना जैन Pages: 104-107 - Viewed: 545 - Downloaded: 124 - Country: India | India |
8. | A comparative analysis of physiological variables between athletes and non-athletes Keisham Monarita, Thingnam Nandalal Singh and Khumukcham Shivananda Singh Pages: 108-111 - Viewed: 1013 - Downloaded: 557 - Country: India | India |
9. | Importance of physical education and sports in modern lifestyle Dr. Ravindra Baliram Khandare Pages: 112-113 - Viewed: 1171 - Downloaded: 675 - Country: India | India |
10. | International society of sport psychology (ISSP): An overview Ashok Kumar and Dr. Sandeep Bhalla Pages: 114-117 - Viewed: 1232 - Downloaded: 597 - Country: India | India |
11. | Impact of aerobic dance training on selected physiological parameters on school girls Dr. AS Logeswaran, S Kasthuri, Dr. RG Giridharaprasath and Dr. J Nirendan Pages: 118-120 - Viewed: 912 - Downloaded: 430 - Country: India | India |
12. | Combined effects of circuit based skill training on dribbling and shooting intercollegiate men football players Dr. T Thangamani Pages: 121-123 - Viewed: 811 - Downloaded: 371 - Country: India | India |