ABSTRACT:Occupational stress has become one of the most serious health issues in the modern world. In this paper, authors attempted to identify the causes of the occupational stress among the employees working in the Information Technology (IT) sector. Through this study an attempt has been made to assess the impact of yogic intervention as a stress management technique among the IT employees. The study was conducted among 30 IT professionals from the age group of 30 to 50 years old, who were not involved in any formal exercise program. The participants in yoga group received a weekly 60-minute yoga class for 12 weeks. The paired T-test results showed a significant decrease in role overload, role ambiguity, role conflict, Unreasonable group and political pressure, under participation, poor peer relations, Strenuous working condition, and overall occupational stress after the yogic intervention. However, there was no significant change in responsibility for persons, powerlessness, Intrinsic improvement, low status, and unprofitability after yogic intervention. This study found that Seventy percent of the IT employees who participated in the survey were suffering with very high stress due to four main factors namely stress among IT employees are Role overload, Unreasonable group/Political pressures, Under participation and Strenuous working conditions.
This study indicates that, majority of employees faced physical as well as psychological stress due to heavy work load and yogic practices have a highly positive impact in the management of stress related problem.