ABSTRACT:The word "Yoga" originates from Sanskrit and means "to join, to unite". Yoga exercises have a holistic effect and bring body, mind, consciousness and soul into balance. In this way Yoga assists us in coping with everyday demands, problems and worries. Yoga helps to develop a greater understanding of our self, the purpose of life and our relationship to God. On the spiritual path, Yoga leads us to supreme knowledge and eternal bliss in the union of the individual Self with the universal Self. Yoga is that supreme, cosmic principle. It is the light of life, the universal creative consciousness that is always awake and never sleeps; that always was, always is, and always will be.
Methodology: The aim of the present study was to find out the “Effect of Yogic Exercises on Physical and Mental Power of School Children”. To achieve this purpose 40 male in the age group ranging from 12 to 16 years studying in Modern School, Koradi Road, Nagpur, Maharashtra State were selected randomly as subjects. The yogic exercises were selected for 12 weeks of training for 40 subjects. Criterion variable power was selected measured by using Standing Broad Jump. It was used for pre -test and post –test.
Result: The result shows that the 12 weeks of Yogic exercises improve the physical and mental power performance of school children.
Conclusion: Yogic exercises training improve the physical and mental power performance of school children