ABSTRACT:Background and AIMS: Yoga has been extensively studied now a day for its beneficial effect on human systems. In that one of the most important is cardiovascular system for that reason want to determine immediate effect of yoga on blood pressure and heart rate following single yoga session in young female.
Methods and Material: 55 participants with aged between 17-25 years selected for the study. The participants were relaxed physically and mentally for 15 minutes. Then the Blood pressure and Heart rate were recorded by sphygmomanometer and pulse oximeter, respectively. After that warm up session and yoga session was carried out. Yoga session included many asanas. After performing all the asanas again measurement of Blood pressure and Heart rate was done. After that 10 minutes relaxation was given and measurement of the Blood pressure and Heart rate were again done.
Results: One way repeated measure ANOVA was used to see the immediate effects of yoga on BP and HR following single yoga session in young female within the group. Bonferroni post hoc test, used to discover which specific means differed. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 16.There was significant differences were found in SBP, DBP and HR at three time interval- Baseline, After Yoga and After Relaxation in young female with p<0.05.
Conclusion: There were reduction in SBP, DBP and HR following single yoga session in young female at three time interval – baseline, after yoga and after relaxation.