ABSTRACT:Background: Kho-Kho players need quickness, speed and perfect skills for obtaining better performance during the competitions. Players who have better speed are well performance’s in it. Kho-Kho game need light weighted players who can run fast during the game. Players who are obese face lot of difficulties while playing Kho-Kho game. Speed is a natural instinct from birth to an individual. It can be achieved to some extent through the proper training. The aim of this study was to find out the effect of Fartlek training on selected Skill performance fitness component among Kho-Kho players of Physical College.
Materials and Methods: With the help of two assistants data was collected on 60 male students (Age 18±25 years) before and after the six week training program. The subjects were divided into two groups, (30 in Experimental group and 30 in control group). Before starting the training the researcher prepares a six week training program. The instruction of training was given by researcher every day before starting the training. Purposive sampling method was used for collection of data. Only one variable of skill related fitness component was selected for collection of data, i.e., Speed and the test used for measuring speed of these players was 50mtr dash. The data was analysed using descriptive and t test.
Results: The mean value and standard deviation of Control and Experimental group (Pre-test) was 8.10#0.66 & 8.02#0.55 in relation to Speed. The mean value and standard deviation of Control and Experimental group (Post-test) was 8.08#0.59 & 7.36#0.38 respectively, in relation to Speed. Calculated t–ratio of control group was found 0.12, where as calculated t–ratio of experimental was found 5.59 in relation to Speed.
Conclusions: Significant effect of Fartlek training on selected Skill performance fitness component with respect to speed among Kho-Kho players of Physical College was found. Obtained “t” of experimental group was greater than the tabulated “t” (2.048). Hence hypothesis given earlier was accepted.