2019, Vol. 4 Issue 1, Part Y
Relationship of motor abilities with performance of male kabaddi players
AUTHOR(S): Rajveer Singh
The purpose of the study was to examine Relationship of motor abilities with performance of male kabaddi players of Chandigarh Government Colleges. 25 Kabaddi players who participate in inter college competitions were selected randomly as subject for six tests consisting Strength, Flexibility and Cardiovascular endurance. Marks obtained during the competitions were taken as competitive performance. To established relationship between selected physical abilities tests and competitive performance persons product moment correlation was worked out. The results show that competitive performance is significantly correlated with Push-ups, Sit-ups, Pull-ups, Hip flexion, Hip Extension and Harvard Step Test. Results also indicates non-significant correlation of Hip Extension (Bridge) with competitive performance.
Pages: 1375-1376 | 938 Views 148 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Rajveer Singh. Relationship of motor abilities with performance of male kabaddi players. Int J Yogic Hum Mov Sports Sciences 2019;4(1):1375-1376.