2019, Vol. 4 Issue 1, Part L
Effect of yoga practices on stress and anxiety among school players
AUTHOR(S): Gurpreet Singh and Shafqit hussain shah
The purpose of the present study was to find out the effect of yoga practices on Stress and Anxiety among school players. Thirty male football, basketball and handball players were selected as subjects for the study from the private and government institutions of Jammu region and they were randomly divided into two groups equally with fifteen each in experimental and control groups. All the selected players have undergone training in their respective games and apart from the training, experimental group underwent one hour yoga training in the morning session before the games training for six weeks. The pretest and posttest were conducted in the psychological variables of Stress and Anxiety. Stress was assessed with the help of Everly and Girdano stress scale and Anxiety was measured by using sports competition anxiety questionnaire designed by Rainer Martens. The collected data were statistically analyzed using ANCOVA to find out the significant difference between the groups if any. The significant level was fixed at 0.05. It was concluded from the result of the study that yogasanas training had significant impact on stress and anxiety among the inter collegiate players.
Pages: 632-634 | 1163 Views 275 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Gurpreet Singh, Shafqit hussain shah. Effect of yoga practices on stress and anxiety among school players. Int J Yogic Hum Mov Sports Sciences 2019;4(1):632-634.