2018, Vol. 3 Issue 2, Part N
Vital capacity and metabolic risk factors of type II diabetes
AUTHOR(S): Dr. M Angel Robert
The purpose of this study was to find out the relationship between vital capacity and metabolic risk factors of type II diabetics. Further, an attempt was made to find out the difference in relationship among men and women type II diabetics. 30 men and 30 women diabetes were selected as subjects and their age ranged between 40 and 55 years. The collected data on Vital capacity, Resting pulse rate, Blood pressure, Fast blood glucose, Post prandial blood glucose, Total cholesterol, High density lipo protein and Low Density lipo protein. These variables have been assessed by standardized lab tests. It was analyzed by multiple regression analysis. Correlation ‘r’ was applied to find out significant relationship if any, 0.01 level of confidence was fixed to test the level significance. From the results of the present study, it was observed that the Vital Capacity had significant relationship with metabolic risk factors of resting pulse rate, systolic Blood pressure, Diastolic Blood Pressure, Fasting Blood Glucose and Post Prandial Blood Glucose of type II diabetics. Further, no significant relationship was observed between Vital Capacity and other metabolic risk factors of Total Cholesterol, High Density Lipoprotein, Low Density Lipoprotein and it was no significant difference in relationship between vital capacity and metabolic risk factors among men and women type II diabetic patients.
Pages: 835-837 | 1141 Views 149 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Dr. M Angel Robert. Vital capacity and metabolic risk factors of type II diabetes. Int J Yogic Hum Mov Sports Sciences 2018;3(2):835-837.