2018, Vol. 3 Issue 2, Part N
Study of the interest of B. Ed students towards yoga-as teaching profession
AUTHOR(S): Jwel Hoque
Now-a-days people are rushing behind the materialistic world and lost the peace of mind. People are living in full of stress, trauma, anxiety and frustration. At present yoga education is the need of the hour. The present study was conducted to know the interests of the B. Ed students, towards the yoga teaching profession and to seek their suggestion for the improvement of yoga teaching profession. Sample for the study constitutes 100 B. Ed final semester students of Murshidabad district of West Bengal. The researcher has used self made questionnaire for the collection of data. The findings of the study are: the rural students are less interested to the yoga teaching profession as compared to the urban students. On the other hand there are slight differences between the male and female students in this regards. The students suggest that different stakeholder should frame new policies to popularize and make it available for the mass. They also suggest for the recruitment of yoga teacher also. They also opined that, yoga education can help for the harmonious development of personality as and society.
Pages: 823-825 | 1365 Views 402 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Jwel Hoque. Study of the interest of B. Ed students towards yoga-as teaching profession. Int J Yogic Hum Mov Sports Sciences 2018;3(2):823-825.