2018, Vol. 3 Issue 2, Part L
Development of physiological characteristics based questionnaires for assessment of prakriti (physical constitution) in children
AUTHOR(S): Srivastava Niraj
The purpose of Ayurveda has been described as to protect the health of a healthy person and to eliminate the ailments of a diseased man. According to this system an individual's basic constitution or Prakriti determines predisposition and prognosis to diseases as well as therapy and life-style regime. Prakriti is organized in accordance to attributes of predominant dosha at the time of sperm and ovum union. Ayurveda describes seven broad constitution types. Determination of Prakriti in childhood period (Balyavastha) can help the Ayurvedic pediatrician to evaluate metabolic imprinting, individual physiology and susceptibility to specific disease, its diagnosis, prevention, treatment as well as the prognosis after illness. After Prakriti determination in children, Ayurvedic pediatrician can provide guideline for Dincharya (Daily regimen), Ritucharya (seasonal routine), Ahara (diet) and Sadvritta (rules of behavior). There are many measures to determine the Prakriti in adults, but as far as infants and children are concerned, no detail description is available in Ayurvedic classics. Prakriti of children can be assessed as per the characteristics specified for adult in Brihattrayi and Laghutrayi grantha of Ayurveda. All features described in Ayurveda can be classified in the Physical, Physiological and Psychological characteristics. In practice it is seen that physical characteristic changes in respect to season, age food and environment. Development of questionnaires from each characteristic is important tool for Prakriti determination in children. This article explores the questionnaire preparation by physiological characteristic for Prakriti determination in children and development of tool for assessment.
Pages: 731-735 | 1275 Views 261 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Srivastava Niraj. Development of physiological characteristics based questionnaires for assessment of prakriti (physical constitution) in children. Int J Yogic Hum Mov Sports Sciences 2018;3(2):731-735.