2018, Vol. 3 Issue 2, Part I
Kinanthropometric dimensions of champion and non-champion kabaddi players a comparative study
AUTHOR(S): Dr. Jaskaran Singh Sidhu
Aim The purpose of this study is was to evaluate kinathropometric attributes between champion and non-champion kabbadi players at university level. Sample- The sample of the present research work was selected from different colleges of Punjab a sample of 50 kabaddi players were taken 25 champion and 25 non champions. Tools.-Height was measured by using Portable stadiometer to the nearest 0.5cm. Age- Age of the students was verified from the school record. Weight- weight was assessed to the nearest 0.1 kg using a certified electronic scale. Chest Circumference-The chest circumference was taken at the level of 3rd and 4th sternebrae. The tape was wrapped around the chest so that it gently touched inferior angles of scapula at the back and directly about the nipples in the front. Upper Arm circumference the measurement was taken at the midpoint of the upper arm between inferior, border of acromion and the superior border of the head of the radius was marked. Hip Circumference-It measured the circumference of hip at their widest portion, steel tape was used to measure. Thigh circumference-The steel tape was wrapped around the thigh just beneath in gluteal fold. It was ensured that no pressure was applied on the tape and the tape touched gently around the thigh. Calf Circumference-The measurements were taken at right angle to the long axis of the lower leg where the girth was maximum. Biceps Skinfold-The biceps skinfold was measured over biceps muscle in the middle of upper arm. Triceps Skinfold-Triceps skinfold was measured over the triceps muscle at the level where the upper arm circumference was measured. Sub-Scapular Skinfold-This skinfold is measured below the angle of the scapula. The skinfold was picked a little below the angle of the scapula, pointing downwards and outwards. Supra-iIliac skinfold-it was measured about 1cm above and 2cm medial to the anterior superior-iliac-spine. Calf Skinfold-It is the thickness of the double layer of skin plus subcutaneous fat on the medial side of calf in line with the long axis of the leg exactly at the level of calf circumference. Statistical Analysis- To determine whether the relationship among the research variables exists or not, Statistics for each characteristic were calculated; Mean, Standard deviation, Standard error of Mean and T-value. Results- results reveals that significant exist at p<0.5 on the variable of age, time, weight, chest circumference, upper arm circumference, thigh circumference, hip circumference, biceps skinfold, triceps skinfold, calf skinfold, subscapular skinfold and suprailiac skinfold. Conclusion- champion had unique physical dimension than the non-champions which surpass the rest population.
Pages: 534-538 | 1418 Views 238 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Dr. Jaskaran Singh Sidhu. Kinanthropometric dimensions of champion and non-champion kabaddi players a comparative study. Int J Yogic Hum Mov Sports Sciences 2018;3(2):534-538.