ABSTRACT:Background: Leisure time physical activity should be very important part of everyone’s life. Benefits obtained from leisure time can help to reduce stress level and expand individual self-development from the aspect of knowledge, fitness and social interactions. There were very few studies have been conducted on leisure time physical activity among college students. The aim of the study is to find out the relationship of leisure time physical activity with Socio economic status of college male students.
Methods: The study is a survey study. The sample consists of 1000 male students. The convenient sampling method is used to select the participants. Moreover, the tool used is leisure time physical activity and socio economic status questionnaire.
Results: Results of the study indicated that Leisure time physical activity and socio-economic status has positive and significant correlation. Higher socio-economic status students spent more time in leisure time physical activities.
Conclusion: Hence, we concluded that the Leisure time physical activity increased with increase of socio-economic status. Every student should take interest in physical activity during their free time for good health.