S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1. | A comparative study of selected psychological variables among inter college male athletes and kho-kho players Debabrata Samanta and Dr. Manamohan Rout Pages: 102-104 - Viewed: 1297 - Downloaded: 236 - Country: India | India |
2. | Effect of yogic practices on psycho-physiological characteristics of college male students Dr. Krishnendu Pradhan Pages: 105-111 - Viewed: 1169 - Downloaded: 187 - Country: India | India |
3. | Comparison of motor fitness components between academic and professional courses of male physical education students in West Bengal Dr. Nityananda Karmakar and Dr. Krishnendu Pradhan Pages: 112-115 - Viewed: 1235 - Downloaded: 188 - Country: India | India |
4. | Influence of selected yoga Sana and callisthenic practices on heart rate and blood pressure of college girls Deepak Kumar Singh and Subhankari Prasad Chakraborty Pages: 116-119 - Viewed: 1261 - Downloaded: 202 - Country: India | India |
5. | Evaluation of activities of daily living and its relationship with hand grip strength and pinch strength among the Indian bengalee elderly population Piyali Sengupta, Arpita Ghosh and Prakash Chandra Dhara Pages: 120-124 - Viewed: 1396 - Downloaded: 371 - Country: India | India |
6. | Effect of swimming training on selected physiological variables of school going boys Prasenjit Roy Pages: 125-130 - Viewed: 1187 - Downloaded: 167 - Country: India | India |
7. | Analysis of AAHPERD youth fitness test components between rural and urban sportsmen of Vidyasagar University in West Bengal Subhadip Pal and Dr. Krishnendu Pradhan Pages: 131-134 - Viewed: 1327 - Downloaded: 330 - Country: India | India |
8. | Sports as a medium for the socialization of human in Veda Sutapa Giri Pages: 135-138 - Viewed: 1490 - Downloaded: 418 - Country: India | India |
9. | A status survey in IPL match on television advertisements & comparative study print media coverage in different news paper Dr. Atanu Das, Tufan Mete Pages: 139-142 - Viewed: 1411 - Downloaded: 381 - Country: India | India |
10. | Relation of selected anthropomeric parameters with performance of off drive in cricket Bodhisattwa Pradhan, K Banerjee and S Bhowmick Pages: 143-147 - Viewed: 1187 - Downloaded: 197 - Country: India | India |
11. | A comparison on selected motor fitness components & physiological characteristics between sprinters & jumpers Mr. Tufan Mete and Dr. Atanu Das Pages: 148-151 - Viewed: 1430 - Downloaded: 385 - Country: India | India |
12. | Relationship of pace and selected physical variables in middle distance running Dr. Dalveer Singh Kaunteya and Dr. Hiralal Yadav Pages: 152-154 - Viewed: 1198 - Downloaded: 271 - Country: India | India |
13. | Compare the personality trait among athletes and non-athletes Kapil S Patel Pages: 155-156 - Viewed: 1116 - Downloaded: 255 - Country: India | India |