2018, Vol. 3 Issue 2, Part A
Compare the mental toughness and group cohesion between successful and non-successful kabaddi players
AUTHOR(S): Dr. C Durai and G Anantharaj
The purpose of the study was to compare mental toughness and Group cohesion between successful and non-successful kabaddi players. To achieve the purpose forty eight Kabaddi players (24 successful and 24 non successful)between the age group of 18 to 22 years were randomly selected from various colleges during the intercollegiate tournaments of Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu. Mental toughness and Group Cohesion of the players was collected by using Sports Mental Toughness Questionnaire (SMTQ) and Group Environment Questionnaire (GEQ).The Collected data was statistically analyzed by independent’t’ test and it was tested by 0.05 level of confidence to find the significant difference between the selected groups. The result shown that, there was a significant difference exists on mental toughness and Group cohesion between successful and no-successful kabaddi players.
Pages: 16-17 | 1306 Views 207 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Dr. C Durai, G Anantharaj. Compare the mental toughness and group cohesion between successful and non-successful kabaddi players. Int J Yogic Hum Mov Sports Sciences 2018;3(2):16-17.