2018, Vol. 3 Issue 1, Part X
The social application of karma yoga of the Bhagavad Gita by swami Vivekananda
AUTHOR(S): Dr. Arun Kumar Porel
The social message of karmayoga plays an important role in bringing about a vital change in the society through selfless action. The basic message of this paper is to show that the social applications of karmayoga of the Bhagavad Gitacan effectively lead to all round development and progress in the social, and cultural field. But it requires explanation of the rise of karmayogins who are guided, not by considerations of selfish or family gain but by the desire for the who are guided, welfare of all. The Gita contains a very important message relevant to finding a solution for the social and political deadlock confronting modern India and that message can be summarized as ‘loksamgraha’ literally involvement with the world and more broadly the willingness of people to perform action especially selfish action (niskamakarma) on behalf of the community in which they find themselves. It is a yoga or a way of spiritual discipline. So according to karmayoga, one should perform work without attachment and guided by a spirit of surrender to God.
Pages: 1311-1315 | 1084 Views 545 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Dr. Arun Kumar Porel. The social application of karma yoga of the Bhagavad Gita by swami Vivekananda. Int J Yogic Hum Mov Sports Sciences 2018;3(1):1311-1315.