ABSTRACT:According to medical scientists, yoga therapy is successful because of the balance created in the nervous and endocrine systems which directly influences all the other systems and organs of the body. Yoga acts both as a “Curative therapyâ€. The very essence of yoga lies in attaining mental peace, improved concentration powers, a relaxed state of living and harmony in relationship. Regular practice of asana, Pranayama and meditation can help such diverse, ailments such as diabetes, blood pressure, digestive disorders, arthritis, arteriosclerosis, chronic fatigue, asthma, varicose veins, and heart conditions.
Objectives: The purpose of this investigation was to study the effects of Yogic training on selected hematological variables among college students.
Methods: Post-test (After the Yogic training of 12 weeks) design was used study group (N = 30 in which 15 subjects were act as control group and 15 subjects were act as experimental group) allowed to undergo Yogic training. The selected Hematological variables that are Hemoglobin (HB), White Blood Cells, Red Blood Cells and Platelets were examined by laboratory test. For the analysis of data paired‘t’ test was applied.
Findings: There was insignificant reduction of white blood cells in study group i.e. post-test value (8.66 x 109/L)], but the numbers of red blood cells, Platelets and Hemoglobin (in grams) have significantly improved in experimental group after yogic training (P<0.05).The selected hypothesis has accepted.