2018, Vol. 3 Issue 1, Part T
Critical overview of performance of Indian women in Olympic Games
AUTHOR(S): Poonam Singh
In the last few years, women empowerment increased the interest of young generation all over the world and especially in our nation India. Women has become more strong and capable to handle not only their day to day problems at their home but also to handle crucial problems in the society as well. Due to social humiliations female feels sad, weak, stressed and more depressed. With the growing participation of Indian women in sports, women are feeling more empowered, motivated, and capable to handle everything pertaining to their life. Sport is the best way to make women more empowered. Women Participation in recreation and professional sports activities enable them to live a life with more self-esteem. Olympic Games are the largest sports event which is organized in every four years. India participated first time in Modern Olympic Games in year 1900. Afterwards, Indian team took participation in year 1920 Olympic Games with 6 participants. After 1920 India participated regularly in Summer Olympic Games. Till to date, India won total 28 medals (12 Bronze, 7 Silver, and 9 Gold). It was very unfortunate that Indian women got opportunity to represent their nation in the year 1924 at Paris, France Olympic Games. After that female participation was increased due to their better performance. Athletes like Saina Mirza, Saina Nehwal, Mary Kom are some of the Indian athletes who set big examples for Indian women that women are no more decimated in India. 2016 Olympic Games organized at Rio De Janeiro, Brazil Indian women proved themselves with their empowerment and calibre by winning two medals for India. Due to this, Indian female players were motivated towards sports and their families are supporting for the same. Indian women won medals for India in the biggest sports event i.e. Olympic Games and empowered more to females to show their talent not only to nation but to the World.
Pages: 1116-1119 | 1333 Views 284 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Poonam Singh. Critical overview of performance of Indian women in Olympic Games. Int J Yogic Hum Mov Sports Sciences 2018;3(1):1116-1119.