2018, Vol. 3 Issue 1, Part R
Analysis of motor abilities of rural and urban high school boys of Tumkur district
AUTHOR(S): Shylendra Kumar SJ and Dr. PC Krishnaswamy
The purpose of the study is to compare the motor abilities between urban and rural high school boys of Tumkur District. For the present study descriptive survey method was used and high school boys studying in urban and rural locality were selected as population from Tumkur District, Karnataka, India. For this purpose, 100 high school boys from government schools situated at Tumkur District were selected. The motor fitness variables viz., speed was tested by 30 Meters Flying Start, leg explosive strength was tested by standing broad jump and muscular endurance was tested by bent knee sit ups were taken. The statistical techniques such as mean, standard deviation and independent ‘t’ test was applied to test the stated hypotheses and the level of significance was fixed at 0.05 and 0.01 level of confidence. The statistical procedures were completed with the help of SPSS Statistical Package and MS Excel 2013. From the test analysis it was found that there were significant differences in speed and explosive strength between urban and rural high school boys of Tumkur District and insignificant difference exist in muscular endurance. The urban students had better speed and rural students had better explosive strength. School health programs should be implemented properly at school level and consider fitness programmers should consider physical growth variables. This will help to improve the physical fitness as well as wellness of the students and it will reach better learning attainment
Pages: 998-1000 | 1292 Views 191 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Shylendra Kumar SJ, Dr. PC Krishnaswamy. Analysis of motor abilities of rural and urban high school boys of Tumkur district. Int J Yogic Hum Mov Sports Sciences 2018;3(1):998-1000.