2018, Vol. 3 Issue 1, Part H
A study of achievement motivation on cricket players of various colleges
AUTHOR(S): Hanish Guretia
The present study was selected to find out and compare the Psychological variables i:e Sports achievement motivation of Govt. college sec- 11 male cricket players and Govt. college sec-46 male cricket players. For the study 25 govt. college sec-11 cricket players and 25 govt. college sec-46 cricket player’s aged 18-23 were selected as subjects. The psychological variable of sports achievement motivation was selected for this study. The collection of relevant data based on only test batteries i:e sports achievement test. Mean and standard deviation was calculated in order to apply ‘t’ test for the comparison of variable of both govt. college sec- 11 cricket players and govt. college sec- 46 cricket players. After analysing it was calculated that there was no significance difference in the achievement motivation level of Govt. college sec- 11 cricket players and Govt. college sec- 46 cricket players.
Pages: 415-416 | 1269 Views 158 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Hanish Guretia. A study of achievement motivation on cricket players of various colleges. Int J Yogic Hum Mov Sports Sciences 2018;3(1):415-416.