2018, Vol. 3 Issue 1, Part G
Physical fitness components of Indian junior female basketball players
AUTHOR(S): Navjot Kaur
The performance of Indian female junior Basketball team is poor at the Asian as well as in the international level. This has become a challenge to the Basketball coaches, physical educationists and sports scientists of India. Though efforts are being made to improve the performance of Indian female junior Basketball players however, very little success has been achieved so far in this regard due to fact that in India the emphasis during selection of teams has been only based on skills and tactics without much consideration of specific physical fitness components and performance characteristics of Basketball players. In this respect the research scholar realizes the importance of physical fitness components in the game of Basketball and undertaken this topic. The present study was aimed to assess the physical fitness components of strength, speed, power, agility, flexibility and muscular endurance of Indian junior female Basketball players and to compare the results with age matched Controls. Also, compare the findings of the Indian female junior Basketball players with that of the international standards from available literatures and to make some suggestions for the improvement of their performance level. The study was carried out in nineteen (19) junior Indian female Basketball players aged between 16 to 20 years and nineteen (19) ages matched female Control group. Physical fitness components namely strength, speed, power, agility, flexibility and muscular endurance were measured by standard tests. Data was analyzed using Independent Sample‘t’ test by using SPSS, (Version 20.0). The level of significance chosen was 0.05. The results of t-test revealed that all physical fitness components i.e. strength, speed, power, agility, flexibility and muscular endurance of Indian junior female Basketball players were statistically significantly in compared to their age matched Control group but when values of the each physical fitness components were compared to international standards, the Indian junior female Basketball players were behind the recommended norms for the elite international female Basketball players. The Indian junior female Basketball players have more advantages in strength, speed, power, agility, flexibility and muscular endurance of physical fitness components in compared to their age matched Control group.
Pages: 368-372 | 1519 Views 324 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Navjot Kaur. Physical fitness components of Indian junior female basketball players. Int J Yogic Hum Mov Sports Sciences 2018;3(1):368-372.