2018, Vol. 3 Issue 1, Part B
Physical harmony: An index of harmonious mind
AUTHOR(S): Navneeta Sood
The mind and the body are inter-related. The sounder the body, the sounder will be the mind that resides in it. Better educated individuals have more positive health outcomes. Understanding the mechanism by which education affects health is therefore important. Schools and colleges play a critical role in promoting the health and safety of young people and helping them to establish lifelong healthy behaviors. Only a man with a sound body can enjoy real contentment and true peace of mind. The links between health and education which are reciprocal; not only is good health important for children to make the most of their educational opportunities, but the educational setting, both formal and informal, can be important in promoting good health.
Pages: 98-99 | 1418 Views 117 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Navneeta Sood. Physical harmony: An index of harmonious mind. Int J Yogic Hum Mov Sports Sciences 2018;3(1):98-99.