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International Journal of Yogic, Human Movement and Sports Sciences
  • Printed Journal
  • Indexed Journal
  • Refereed Journal
  • Peer Reviewed Journal
ISSN: 2456-4419, Impact Factor RJIF: 5.18

2017, Vol. 2 Issue 2, Part E

A study on meditation and psychological changes

AUTHOR(S): Jyoti and Dr. Virender Kumar
Meditation offers you an escape from reality, yielding so many amazing and miraculous benefits. There is much more to meditation than meets the eye, with a limitless array of physical, spiritual, mental, & psychological benefits, anyone can benefit. Stress and anxiety can cause many problems, including shortening your life. There are some schools of thought that believe stress and anxiety, once trapped in the body, can manifest into illness and disease. If you don’t find a way to melt the layers of anxiety that accumulate within your energy field, the layers continue to build and build causing a myriad of health problems.
Pages: 251-253  |  1250 Views  85 Downloads

International Journal of Yogic, Human Movement and Sports Sciences
How to cite this article:
Jyoti, Dr. Virender Kumar. A study on meditation and psychological changes. Int J Yogic Hum Mov Sports Sciences 2017;2(2):251-253.
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International Journal of Yogic, Human Movement and Sports Sciences
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