2017, Vol. 2 Issue 2, Part B
Effect of yoga on the reduction of Body mass index
AUTHOR(S): Mini Paul and Dr. Rajeev Kumar
The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of yogic exercise on the reduction of weight and body mass index. The total number of sample was 30. In which there were 20 male 10 female subjects aged 35 to 45 years. Height, weight and body mass index have been recorded. Food habit and exercise did not take in to consideration and there was no control group. For a statistical analysis these numbers were not sufficient. As part of the program participants were taught yogic exercise. Given training for three days one hour each.They were given advice to practice at least one time in a day systematically and regularly, preferably in the morning hours. Evaluation was done after a period of 65 days. There was remarkable decrease in the weight and thus body mass index on reduction from obese to overweight, 71.4% participants with obesity have achieved reduction in their obesity to overweight. Though statistically not significant. Chi-square =7.04 with ‘p’ value =0.048 fisher’s Exact test).
Pages: 84-86 | 1409 Views 124 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Mini Paul, Dr. Rajeev Kumar. Effect of yoga on the reduction of Body mass index. Int J Yogic Hum Mov Sports Sciences 2017;2(2):84-86.