2017, Vol. 2 Issue 1, Part B
A comparative study of I.Q., B.M.I. and fat of inter-university female players of basketball and handball
AUTHOR(S): Tandel Pratikkumar Jaykishanbhai
Objective of the study was to know the I.Q., B.M.I. and Fat% of Basketball and Handball female players. For this study 12 Basketball players and 12 Handball female players who were selected for inter-university level were selected for the study. To test the I.Q. of the subjects Dr. Krushnakant Gopalji Desai’s Asabdik Samuh Buddhi Test Questionnaire was used. B.M.I. and Fat was tested by Body Composition Analyzer taken from the laboratory of M.D.S.S. Mahavidhyalaya Laboratory. Statistical analysis was done of the raw scores and Mean, Mean Difference and Standard Deviation was found by using “T” test. Result indicates that I.Q. Mean of Basketball female players and Handball female players was 116.66 and 112.83 which shows that Basketball female players I.Q. was good than Handball female players selected for Inter-University. B.M.I. Mean of Basketball female players and Handball female players was 17.16 and 21.01 which shows that Handball female players B.M.I. was good than Basketball female players selected for Inter-University. Fat% Mean of Basketball female players and Handball female players was 11.64 and 23.56, which shows that Handball female players Fat% was good than Basketball female players selected for Inter-University. At the end of the study, I.Q. of Basketball female players were seen more than Handball female players. B.M.I. and Fat% of Handball female players was seen more than Basketball female players.
Pages: 120-121 | 927 Views 118 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Tandel Pratikkumar Jaykishanbhai. A comparative study of I.Q., B.M.I. and fat of inter-university female players of basketball and handball. Int J Yogic Hum Mov Sports Sciences 2017;2(1):120-121.