2016, Vol. 1 Issue 1, Part A
Effect of Suryanamaskar on selected motor fitness component of high school student
AUTHOR(S): Arup Mahato, Atanu Ghosh and Subhrani Guria
The purpose of the study was to find out the effect of Suryanamaskar on selected motor fitness component of high school student. To achieve the purpose of the study 30 girl’s student was selected randomly from Bhupatinagar kanya Vidyalaya, Purba Medinipur district of west Bengal. Their age ranges from 14 to 16 years. To find out the effect of Suryanamaskar on selected motor fitness component of high school girls students the data was collected through the administration of vertical jump for power, shuttle run for agility, sit-up for muscular strength test before and after the Suryanamaskar training programme of six weeks. The collected data were analyzed by Dependent ‘t’ test. It was concluded that there are significance differences in motor fitness variables between the pre and posttest of experimental group. It was found that experimental group is highly muscular strength, muscular power, and agility then that of control group. The Present Study will be helpful to understand the value of Suryanamaskar to develop motor fitness of the high School students.
Pages: 26-28 | 1682 Views 266 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Arup Mahato, Atanu Ghosh, Subhrani Guria. Effect of Suryanamaskar on selected motor fitness component of high school student. Int J Yogic Hum Mov Sports Sciences 2016;1(1):26-28.